
Seventh Day in the Octave of Christmas

Temples, sacred places, inspire prayer. Temples set apart—consecrate—people for worship. Worship not only lifts our hearts to give glory and praise to our God, but by worship, God Himself comes down honoring us for our prayer. Temples then are not just places to offer, but temples are places to receive.

Indifference or Excellence

Thirty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time

The most frightening words come from the book of Revelation. The letters to the seven churches expose the indifference of the believers. The message to the Church of Philadelphia declares they are the synagogue Satan. To the Church of La-odicea, the message reproves and chastises them because they are neither hot nor cold. Lukewarm, that is they are indifferent to the knock of love at the door of their hearts.

Divine Wisdom

Thirty-Second Friday in Ordinary Time

It is not science; it is not smartness; it is not cleverness. Wisdom, according to Scripture, is a person. “I, Wisdom, dwell with experience, and judicious knowledge I attain” (Ws 8:1). She is known as Lady Wisdom, portrayed as a bride, bedecked with jewels (Ps 45), covered in the gold of Ophir, a woman of valor and honor (Prov 31:10). Beloved by her King Who seeks to make her his own, not by force, but by self-sacrifice.

God's Glory

Thirty-First Sunday in Ordinary Time

We are expressions of God’s Glory, created with beauty, goodness, and fullness. His glory embraces us, and we who acknowledge God as the source and spring of our own goodness, are filled with this truth and beauty as St. Paul proclaims: We all, with unveiled face, beholding the glory of the Lord, are being changed into his likeness…

Love Listens

Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Listening to another, hearts connect, and intimacy happens. I see the other as a person of inestimable value. I hear them and accept them as a person who has value, feelings, and emotions. They are a person whom I esteem. Though I may disagree with their values, ideas, and feelings, I accept and affirm the other. I enter a dialogue.

The Icon

Twenty-Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Iconography, a unique art form, paints—writes—a person into being. Though it is a painting, the painter prays the icon into being. Icons, then, are precious for they are the thought and love of the person expressing their deepest, mystical thoughts. If this is true of a human artist how much more so with the Divine Artist.